Tuesday, 19 January 2016

in this almost

Oblique life? 

I am well aware that there is a slight detachment between things, they almost collide, there is a detachment among the beings that lose one other amongst words that almost don’t say anything more. 

But we almost understand one other in this light discord, in this almost that is the only way to stand full life, since a sudden face-to-face encounter with it would frighten us, scare off its delicate spider’s web threads.

(Clarice Lispector)


Anonymous said...

Almost is the essence of the tangential. A mere touch, elusive, ephemeral--is the invisible glue that binds together shatter-prone lives.

Anonymous said...

die verwirrungen des lebens? ein ausdrucksstarkes bild und ganz anders wie auf der bridge findet man hier neue wege, erkenntnisse, schönheit und geheimnis... alles liebste dir! renée

Roxana said...

so beautiful! this is the essence of what i would like to be this new space here - for me, and for anybody who happens to enter - thank you, i don't know what else to say -

a silent smile

Roxana said...

ja, das auch - und du hast recht, vieles wird hier der bridge aehneln, ich bin doch eine einzige person (auch wenn zwei seelen ach in meiner brust wohnen:-), immernoch dieselbe person - aber ich hoffe und moechte, dass der grundton hier wesentlich anders wird - mal sehen, ob und wie sich das ganze entwickelt...

einen wunderschoensten tag dir, meine liebe

Miriam said...

Cred, si cred si ca am mai spus acest lucru, ca postarile de pe acest blog, viziunea lui sunt ca acele picaturi care cad undeva, in munte, langa, dintr-un firicel de apa-si trebuie sa taci, ascultand urmatoarea "cadere", urmatorul firicel de timp. Si aceste clipe se scalda, si ele, in lumina, in lumina cea la fel de tacuta, dar e ca si cand ar vorbi soarele sau iarba-pentru ca acele interstitii despre care scrii tu sunt singurele care ne ajuta sa vedem toate acestea, si sa vorbim, intre taceri, despre cum se succede o respiratie alteia.
Poate ca cele mai potrivite cuvinte ar fi acelea care ar incapea intre spatiile dintre doua picaturi, in timp ce muntele tace.
La tine, valtoarea nu poate fi altcumva decat Lina.