Sunday, 17 January 2016

the act of surrender

but if i hope to understand in order to accept things— the act of surrender will never happen

(Clarice Lispector)



Miriam said...

Dar poate ca ceea ce intrezarim undeva la radacina lucrurilor noastre este acel spatiu rapid, mai fin decat chiar decat spatiul dintre respiratii-in care nu se poate intelege sau capitula. Uneori putem doar sa vedem acel spatiu-vecinatatea nervurilor indicibile ale unor frunze care par sa se lase , usor, la pamant, alteori sa se indrepte, itit, spre cerul compact. Atat de des, acesta este ca un vertij dulce si mieros, este, poate, ceea ce se simte intr-un montagne russe; alteori, asta e sclipirea unei paduri umede intr-o luna de vara.
Cred ca asa va fi acest spatiu, simt cum el incepe sa se deschida acum si sa ne cuprinda in el, avand ca parola doar sa tii ochii intredeschisi.

Anonymous said...

ich hoffe, ich bin die erste, die hier kommentieren wird/darf! :-) wie ich mich freue...!! das bild... zerbrechlichkeit und doch unfassbarkeit, etwas heiliges, reines... so etwas wie die seele! lieb grüsst dich in den kalten weissen abend! renée

Cristina said...

wow, mi s-a taiat respiratia vazand aceasta imagine, in toata fragilitatea ei, lumea este si mai puternica, nu?

si ce frumos, un nou blog, un nou inceput, o noua creatie in tot ceea ce suntem deja. iubesc modul acesta de reinventare si cum, asa cum spune si Miriam, suntem aici, cu totul, cuprinsi deja de frumos.

sunt fericita pentru toata frumusetea care va veni aici

Anonymous said...

I wanted so much for my first comment on oblique to be in German that I bought a phrase book; unfortunately, none of the stock sentences seemed up to the task of discussing aesthetics or adventitious spirituality. Naturally I now know how to order my coffee black or to find the nearest haberdashery, should I ever find myself dab in the middle of a German blog or of a German speaking country (such as Spain or Morocco).

Roxana said...

spatiul dintre respiratii - subtire - asta va ramane in mine, este deja acolo, obsedandu-ma

multumesc - tu stii

Roxana said...

ich danke Dir so sehr, liebste Wolkenprinzessin, dass Du so schnell hierher gekommen bist - und dass Du so viel Freude daran findest - ja, ich sehne mich nach etwas Ruhigem, Reinem und Heilendem im Augenblick -

ich bin Dir sehr dankbar, dass Du bei mir bist - und so gluecklich -

Roxana said...

multumesc dragei pentru ca a venit sa ma incurajeze - nu sunt inca sigura de ce se va intampla aici - daca voi merge mai departe, sa vad cum ma simt - am nevoie de liniste si mangaieri, multa contemplatie :-)

Roxana said...

i think that you might have wanted to give Polish a first attempt, German is too hard, that's what i heard :-)
thank you, dear one - for myriads of things - and (this needs a special category) for always making me laugh -

Anonymous said...

C.J. Jung once said (something like this): The right way to wholeness is made up of fateful detours and wrong turnings. Perhaps there is no "right way" and no "wholeness" either, but there have been times in my life when I've come full circle...when a circle closes...I apply this quote to myself. I have come to this blog through and other detours and fateful turnings. This is a beautiful blog.

Anonymous said...

being both god and human, there must be a delicate balance or mix of all things seemingly opposed; consider the meaning of the word "transparent," and in contrast, "opaque"; i have always thought, until recently, that transparency was rooted in ethics, however oblique, however clouded, at the very least in open communication between people; but I have seen otherwise, another way, where this kind of complex honesty seems too much for the gods, too brutal? seems to bring the gods down; if we humans are the gods...then why does transparency mean silence, absence and inaccessibility? perhaps there is a grievance? to whom can i speak? and who will respond? it is my prayer to the gods that i have known to explain it to me, tell me how it all works, give me a way to plea

Roxana said...

thank you, from a flower.

Roxana said...

anonymous, hi. i don't understand your comment very well, i must confess... but let me first say that if you have known gods, then you've already been blessed, many of us haven't had this privilege. but perhaps you were not aware of this then, before things have changed, you say things have changed... sometimes we lose things because we don't recognize what we have -
what kind of "complex honesty" are you talking about? perhaps instead of asking to whom you could speak, you should speak already?

and also: people perceive things differently, and have different interpretations for the same thing, each convinced of her or his own truth - it's a complicated and delicate process, this one - of understanding each other and building trust in each other... and we are all so frail and easily hurt -

Anonymous said...

hi. i wrote a comment earlier, but i'm not sure if it was successful since i didn't choose an identity from the drop down menu. i think strangers can hurt each other and those same strangers can also hinder or aid healing. i don't know...but perhaps the trust that was present when the damage was done can also be present for the "fix"? if it takes little to no trust to cause pain why does it take so much to end it? i don't know, i really don't "grief" is for someone who sees himself (or saw) as "air"...though he has a body and a name...and i thought perhaps he'd be "real" or "human"...and i went too far for this "meeting" of persons, too far...some days it doesn't matter at all and then some days it really does, healing is not a cure...and it doesn't bother me in the least that we all have different interpretations of the same thing, reality is so malleable, i know, especially as time goes by...and so easy to manipulate to one's almost seems hopeless

Roxana said...

hi, anonymous, i haven't received any other reply except for this one.
i don't know what to say here, and i am afraid i don't understand what you look for here - you say you "grieve" (but in quotation marks, which shows that perhaps the grief is already conquered) for a friend who proved to be unreal? i am sorry for this, i don't know how to be of help - but you say that you are already almost past this issue, as "some days it doesn't matter at all" - so perhaps if you give it time, you will forget and all days will become like this, it-doesn't-matter-at-all-days... it's what usually happens with time... if you are still bothered by questions, i think talking to this friend might provide some clarity or closure on the matter.