Behold the gates of mercy
In arbitrary space
And none of us deserving
The cruelty or the grace
O solitude of longing
Where love has been confined
Come healing of the body
Come healing of the mind
O see the darkness yielding
That tore the light apart
Come healing of the reason
Come healing of the heart
(Leonard Cohen)
Oxalis, be thy healer.
Nice of someone from your props department (or maybe just a lowly production assistant with time on her hands) to hold up to the lens this delicate flower, whose color reminds one of a summery sky.
Exquisite. And, indeed, who could not feel that the world offers healing, when it touches one with such delicate beauty?
Este o postare la care, iarasi, gasesc atat de putine cuvinte potrivite...pot spune ca este o postare destinata, in viziunea mea, sa evoce doar poeme, nici macar melodii - doar poeme, ca mici forme ale existentei, ca sa nu ramana doar tacerea in fata ei, si acel abur al verii in care astepti iubitul si un reviriment usor, molcom si elegant.
Este gestul, culoarea si visul reduse la expresia lor cea mai fina; finala, imi vine sa spun.
Expresia unei intimitati gracile! Vremelnicul devenit etern prin puterea culorii! Care se confunda cu celelalte la rasarit, la apus, dar straluceste in superba solitudine sub puterea amiezii.
Dar amanuntul esential al culorii este...petiolul, mai fin ca geana luminii, mai subtire ca firul de par, mai puternic decat cuvintele! Un Atlas strabatut de clorofila prin cele mai nevazute vene! Si aproape incovoiat sub greutatea frumusetii.
Minunate leacurile tale, Roxana dear!
thank you all, dear one.
it's hard for me to come back here and see this post now, when Leonard is dead. people who love him have posted tributes all over the world, it seems i did this in advance, unawares.
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